The Grand Adventure of Pimpa and Bluey

A delightful project is blossoming, uniting Italy and Australia through the magic and imagination of childhood.

This tale began on Saturday 16th March, during an ILC Professional Development session for Italian teachers. The session focussed on utilising children’s storybooks as teaching tools. Each participant received a complimentary storybook “Pimpa travels to Italy”.

Little did anyone know, this session would plant the seed for an innovative educational journey; The Grand Adventure of Pimpa and Bluey.

The project is result of collaboration between ILC, teachers of Italian in schools and the magic of storytelling. An Australian school in Brisbane and an Italian school in Sicily have partnered in an exchange that transcends geographical boundaries and linguistic barriers.

At the heart of this exchange are two beloved soft toys: Pimpa from Italy and Bluey from Australia. The characters are about to start a journey representing the bond between Italy and Australia, while also acting as a symbol of cultural exchange and education.

The journeys of Pimpa and Bluey go beyond ordinary travels; they are an elaborate narrative brought to life by the skilled language teachers at these schools.

Documented through photographs, each step of the Grand Adventure will unfold a new chapter, engaging students in language activities that mirror the experiences of the two characters.

As Pimpa discovers the wonders of Australia and Bluey explores the rich heritage of Italy, children are not just spectators but active participants in a story that teaches them about language, culture, and the joy of discovery.

This educational initiative shines a light on the magic of learning languages through engaging storytelling.  


This project became possible with the generous “Pimpa travels to Italy” books donated by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, MAECI (Ministero Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale), presented by the Italian Consul for Queensland and Northern Territory, Dott.ssa Luna Angelini Marinucci.

ILC expresses gratitude to St Columba’s Primary School and Isabella Soto for initiating the project in collaboration with ILC teachers and welcoming Pimpa to Brisbane. Special thanks also go to il Liceo Regionale Ciro Michele Esposito, Coordinator Daniela and children from the town of S. Stefano di Camastra for their involvement with Bluey in Sicily.